just one cigarette started a forest fire in absam this morning, which quickly spread to an area of about 3 hectares.
at night the scene looks both scary and beautiful: entire hillsides are glowing bright red. every few minutes, presumably when a new tree has fully caught fire, flames rise up several meters in the air, so that even from several kilometers away you can clearly see them with the naked eye.
fire fighters, the military, and even private helicopter operators have tried all day to contain the fire using six helicopters, but the dry weather and wind have made these efforts difficult. rain is expected on saturday.
the good news is that, as far as i know, no houses or settlement are in danger.
news articles in german:
- Tirol: Weggeworfene Zigarette löst Waldbrand aus – DiePresse.com
- Waldbrand Absam: Löscharbeiten auch nachts – tirol.ORF.at
hdr version after the break:
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