time-lapse, part 1

after some time playing around with the new radio remote control for my sony dsc-f717 (jg-rc2), i’m ready to post some time-lapse results.

i feel like there’s a whole new dimension opening up for exploring and documenting.
it’s usually taking a lot of “don’t touch”-time to record time-lapse images, so i’m kind of limited by my own need to take other pictures. but still, i’m already thinking of other themes and subjects to do – gonna be fun!

the following files are still little projects i did for finding the correct settings.
they’re in .avi-format, you’ll need the latest xvid-codec to play them. (i recommend using ffdshow – direct link, it’s a bundle of all codecs…)
see “more” / “blah blah” for video details.




starting time:
total time:
shutter speed:

30 seconds
1 hour

45 seconds
2 hours
15 seconds

12 seconds
14 minutes
0.25 seconds

Sony Cybershot DSC-F717
video data:
mpeg4/xvid – one pass: quality – 10 fps – qual: 95% (get the codec | help)

by the way: there’s more time-lapse stuff in the video category of my blog!

2 thoughts on “time-lapse, part 1

  1. Wow Markus! Was that a shooting star I saw in the moon video? And what software did you use to compile these avi’s? Fascinating!

  2. i think so.
    regarding the shutter speed and frame interval it’s the only explanation that seems reasonable to me.
    here‘s a crop (blown up to 200%) of the subject.

    the software i used is called JPGVideo – it’s freeware!

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