RTW05 #3.2: mission beach, australia

in the morning of november 27th, i took the greyhound bus from cairns to mission beach [G], population size: a few hundred.
i stayed at scotty’s beach house, which was recommendet to me by a canadian couple i met in cairns. there, i met nels again (we had met earlier on the reef trip in cairns).
their website may look stern, but it was a nice, “fresh” hostel to stay. somebody described it as “a little hippie place”, which i found was quite fitting.

mission beach
rainforest, near mission beach

the golden beach of this town is just wonderful, although swimming wouldn’t have been very healthy considering the stingers (australian for “dangerous jellyfish”) that were around in november.
from where stood on the beach to the horizon, the only people in sight were 2 girls sunbathing.

since this is one of the last regions with a wild population of cassowaries [de] (casuarius casuarius), i decided to try the rainforest walk close by (two people i met on the reef encounter a few days earlier told me that they had seen one on that walk).
while the walk was really nice (except for the few closed-down bridges that i had to cross so i would eventually get back), but unfortunately the only cassowary-related things i saw were droppings. huge droppings!

24 hours after my arrival in mission beach, i took the bus again and went on to find out why everybody seems to stop over at airlie beach…

[view photos: australia’s eastcoast – mission beach]

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