mozilla hypnobee

just recently, i discovered a firefox extension called “firesomething”.
i think the idea is funny: firefox kind-of has a long history of previous names that had to be changed because of copyright/same name issues: phoenix was changed to firebird, which was then altered to firefox.

this is where firesomething joins – it creates random window titles everytime you start firefox.
right now, i’m surfing with mozilla hypnobee. :mrgreen:
i also liked this quote from the extension-page:

“browsing with mozilla turbobeaver makes me feel proud to be canadian.”

[get the extension]

completely unrelated:

[quote of the day]

i hope they’re not austrians. that’s the last thing this town needs. [MP3]

eric cartman in episode 8×07, about the new neighbors that have just moved in.

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