kakapo to be artificially inseminated

pounamu, kakapo (strigops habroptilus)
pounamu, kakapo

the kakapo, one of the most endangered bird species of the world, is going to get a helping hand in terms of reproduction.
there are only 86 known kakapo in the world, they only breed every few years when certain fruit are abundant, and fertilization rates are low.
now, according to a news report, the kakapo recovery team will try artificial insemination in an attempt to boost population numbers.

apart from the project itself, which will hopefully help save the kakapo, this line …

    Last summer, international artificial insemination expert Juan Blanco, from Spain, came to New Zealand to teach the kakapo team how to massage male kakapo to extract sperm.

…strongly reminded me of “red rocket”. ;-)

[previous kakapo-related posts]

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