tirol sightseeing: seegrube & hafelekar

on our trip to seegrube & hafelekar, we went up to 2.269 meters above sea level by cable car and gondola. the weather was still (!) gorgeous and the view was pretty clear.
on that exact day, there was a paragliding contest, so the sky was full of colorful paragliders – which you can’t really see on the photo…

at the very top, we had an amazing view of the whole inntal valley. AND there was a very curious alpine chough (pyrrhocorax graculus, alpendohle) up there that just wouldn’t sit still and let us take a picture…

self-timer fun

back down at seegrube station (1905 m / 6250 ft), we tried to take a group photo with innsbruck in the background.
the ideal point of view for the camera was on the first floor patio (with us being a level lower), and the way down was winding, downstairs, and with a little door to open – so i kind-of was in a hurry to get on the photo with my 10-second self-timer :)
the righthand picture shows our first attempt, where i entered the picture just in time. i did make it (even looking relaxed) the third time, but this one is way funnier!

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2 thoughts on “tirol sightseeing: seegrube & hafelekar

  1. :grin: Hi Markus!
    Thanks again for an incredible visit with your family! We loved every minute and look forward to a return visit. Just think….more time in the car to enjoy those crazy Byers!!

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