hawkesbury frogs!

two days of continuous rain re-filled all the little landscape depressions and ephemeral ponds with plenty of water around richmond. the first night without rain was ideal for frog-spotting. brianne […]

glass frog

in the forests of venezuela, there’s a rare frog that offers views i never dreamt of: the glass frog (cochranella antisthenesi) is partly transparent and lets you see directly into […]

coming up soon

i’m in the process of making another frog spawn time-lapse video. it looks quite promising so far: i’m getting high-resolution (both pixel- and time-wise) macro footage of 5 eggs. this […]


fun fact from the field of herpetology1: frogsaustralia.net.au the northern water-holding frog (cyclorana australis) may not be a very attractive or appealing amphibian, optically, but its strategy of surviving the […]