it’s a crazy world

here’s a recent conversation that my friend andi told me about:

    andi: i can’t make it to that lecture, there’s a funeral that day.
    somebody else: i see. my sincere condolences.
    andi: no, i’m just the organist there.
    s: so you organize the funeral?
    andi: no! i’m playing.
    s: …playing what?
    andi: THE ORGAN!!!

– – – – –

the other day, the door-bell rang at my home. my dad answered the door, and there was an old lady with a baby carriage.
she asked him if he could move our car out of our driveway*, so she could get through more easily. she even knew it was a private road, and she remarked that she was bold, …”but i’m an old woman and it would make it much easier for me”.
* our private driveway connects two public streets, but the parking space is right in the way. kind-of a “drive-through drive-way”.

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